Over 60 Blackpool Masons attended Fraternal Lodge No.4531, at the Masonic Hall, Adelaide Street, Blackpool to witness an explanation and demonstration of the Albany Lodge T1 Tracing Board. This was the first known Mark Tracing Board, and belonged to Albany Lodge, which was originally a Regimental Lodge formed in 1848.
The explanation and demonstration was superbly carried out by the members of Bispham-with-Norbreck Lodge of Mark Master Masons, all of whom are very well known Blackpool Masons. After the Lodge was called off, and placed in complete darkness, the members of Bispham-with-Norbreck Lodge entered. Everyone was amazed by the fantastic spectacle of ten men dressed completely from head to foot in Middle Eastern Costume and individually carrying his own lamplight.
Then, in turn, they each gave an explanation of certain parts of the Tracing Board, which depicted the gathering of materials and a partly built Temple.
One explained proudly that the Tracing Board itself had been crafted by the Members of Bispham-with-Norbreck Lodge. On completion of the demonstration they all circled the Tracing Board with the light radiating from their hand held lamps and received a well earned recognition of thanks.
The Worshipful Master of Fraternal Lodge added that he only recognised some of the team when they actually spoke, so good was their disguise.
The raffle, under the auspice of the Group Vice-Chairman, Peter Bentham raised in excess of £200-00p.
This would be another night which would stay in the memory of Blackpool Masons for a considerable time.